Bonjour everyone,
I have since last year move back to my birth country to look after my mothers, natural one and Pacha Mama. My mum has a property of 2 hectares with fruits trees, young oak trees my dad planted several years ago, and I decided to go back to my roots and start growing food in a balance way with nature, all a learning curve.
The last 2 weeks have been super intense with work, some quite physical.
So yesterday, I thought to give myself some down time, decided to treat myself to a water spa close by, only to find out it is close for refurbishment, then I decided to do some work and got pissed off with one thing after another one.
Among one, was I wanted to purchase on line the 1st chapter, not working, realize that it is a new card, so I decided to walk to closer shop to activate it, didn’t work!
Anyhow, not the quite the day I had in mind, to be in alignment with the day energies.
I also questioned myself why was I doing all this, working on the land, being so isolated, no other conscious people around me!
In the evening, I watch this podcast and I felt that the Universe answer me back, it resonated with me, hope for who ever hasn’t watch it yet, it will too.
Sending much love to you all✨🦋🦅🌺🌎🌳🦌🐋🙏💧💙
This was a great episode! I felt elevated after listening and I have been working with my water in a more conscious way ever since. <3 Thank you for sharing your frustrating day and I hope that you have felt that Sigh of Relief you deserve<3