A Testimonial
The Navigation Guide to Quantum Consciousness didn't end for me with the last chapter. As light pours into our planet, affecting everyone of us and helping us to move ever closer to our potential for multi-dimensional,inter-dimensional quantum consciousness, this NG couldn't be more timely or more welcome. Each of the 13 chapters satisfies the needs of the conscious mind with a wealth of information, while at the same time, each chapter speaks into the unconscious mind in its own language of images and symbols that appear on screen, all of it harmonising with the energies of the 13 Tones of Mayan time. My intuition indicated that an alchemical process beyond thought was underway, taking me into the unknown of myself. I chose to be as open as possible to that, receive what I could and integrate it, hopefully allowing whatever was seeking expression to blossom into experience. And so it…
thank you Frances, that's going to be a tough testimonial to follow...
I'm still wondering what to say about the courses, but I'm inspired to allow it to come <3