Blue Lunar Eagle
Hey lovelies
My Mayan Glyph is Kin 15 Blue Lunar Eagle - in the White Wizard Wavespell
I'm in Liverpool UK (and North Wales as much possible!) - Jen Moss!
Learning little by little about my Mayan Glyph has been such a strong key to understanding myself and what I'm here to do. It's helped make so much sense of my ability to go to a higher perspective! Annnnnd why my life is a continual serious of challenges from which I am to learn and grow from! A similar picture to that which is shown in my cosmic blueprint through both western and sidereal astrology!
Excited to be part of this extended Tribe initiative ♥️♾️🌏
It extends beyond what I'd previously been sharing as an "Earth Healing Circle". The energy of these group collaborations is so powerful I feel.
As always an absolute GIFT to be with you all
Much love ♥️♥️♥️
OMG - where are you guys finding this awesome glyph artwork? This is another one like I haven't seen before and it's amazing! 😍