Hi I have just come across through you from a you tube about your upcoming 10 weeks clearings that started playing after something else I was watching . Any way I really intrigued.. Not sure where to start. But this year in the woods in Warwickshire where I am there was so much st johns wort. i ve never seen so much there! I didnt make anything with it this year but it was really calling me ! Not sure how to navigate I watched a bit of one of the videos of the glyphs… not sure if you call them that. But wow need to know more ✨Thank you so much Anneli 🙂

Beautiful Anneli. Lovely picture. Good to have fellow plant-lovers on here. There is a video about St John's wort on here for a small fee, I haven't watched it yet but Pete the herbalist is excellent so I am sure you won't be disappointed x x