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Quantum Planet Tribe

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Frances K

Rainbow Warrior

Turtle Tribe

Hello Everyone,

Last week, from Tuesday to Friday inclusively, I observed – because it was so manifestly obvious - and experienced a current of energy running through my life in accordance with Mayan time and its own particular magic in an incredibly suppoortive and captivating way.

On Tuesday I had a galactic glyph reading (I'm Red Skywalker) with Bella, and with no previous planning by me it landed on the perfect day: White Cosmic Wizard, a day of enchantment, timelessness and receptivity, with the Cosmic tone of day 13. 'Thirteen is the key to the Mayan galactic codes of fourth-dimensional time and the annual lunation cycles by which Earth is guided on her solar path.' (Thirteen Moons in Motion). Bella's glyph is Red Moon and in the reading I duscovered that Red Earth is my Higher Self and Guide. It was a beautiful harmony of energies, making my time with Bella just a joy, as I'm sure everyone who has had in a reading with Bella has found. She also provides so much information that transports you comfortably into your cosmic self.

The next day (Blue Magnetic Eagle – guided by vision) there was a live call on Stellar Nations. I haven't been strongly drawn to SN and I knew there must be a reason but I couldn't quite fathom what it was, but that was about to change as I watched Divine timing revealing itself once again. I was being guided to share on the call but I was resisting, firstly because I didn't think I could be very coherent, and secondly because my front tooth was broken and clearly I'm not too old for vanity! So, of course, Davyd called on me! After my jumbled account of what I was struggling with, he asked Leslie to comment. If I remember correctly, Leslie's glyph is White World-Bridger, which, I had learned from Bella, just so happens to be my Compliment glyph! Who better to effect an energy shift in me, which is exactly what Leslie did, for which I'm deeply thankful to her. The first thing she said was that what was coming to her were the Dragons. The word 'Dragon' instantly appeared in my inner sight in bold 'print', so there was no question of its significance. Leslie then said some things that went straight to my heart so I was very much in my heart space while she was talking. Minutes after that, however, the shadow/block I've been trying to transmute/release off and on for weeks kicked in, in my solar plexus, and got worse as the call went on. In case I wasn't getting the message to focus on SN, I then had a dream that night that left me in no doubt. The guidance couldn't have been clearer.

So the next morning - Thursday – I ordered my Antares Code. It was the day of the Yellow Lunar Warrior, and once again the energy was supporting me: 'The spirit of the Yellow Warrior invites us to access divine guidance; cultivate fresh analysis of our convictions to assure they represent our truths; confront uncharted terrain; exercise keen awareness... (Galactic Calendar). I expected to wait a few days for my Code to arrive, as it had stated on the website, but it was in my inbox by evening, ready for my first perusal within the energy of the day! And as if that wasn't enough magical timing, I was amazed when I saw that yesterday -Friday – the glyph was Red Electric Earth. The sheer harmony of that is stunning to me: Electric is my Skywalker tone, and as I said, Red Earth is my Higher Self and Guide, so my Higher Self has given me a beautiful meassage of connection and union … in an image printed on a page! I'll draw that along with my glyph and have it somewhere handy so that if I ever feel lost it will re-mind me.

This has been such a valuable few days, showing me, in a direct and immediate way, the natural, living, interactive richness of Mayan time, and its wisdom and wizardry, as opposed to the arid, de-natured quality of the Gregorian calendar. It is also an experience of union with All That Is, demonstrating how we are seen, we are known,we are loved and we are cherished.

Bright blessings 💕

How absolutely beautiful, Frances, thank you so much for sharing! I was so happy to hear of all the magic and Divine Timing happening for you, which spilled over into my experience of feeling just a little out of synch with my "plans" on 3D level and served to remind me that All is All-ways in Divine Time and Order (regardless of appearances in 3D)! I missed the Live SN call (had it on my digital calendar, but totally spaced it!), so ended up listening to the recording, which turned out to be perfect... could focus on just receiving the beautiful sharings from you and the few others on the call, and just enjoy the Resonance I felt, without my "ego-self" worrying about if I should be sharing something too, LOL! I, myself, have been feeling a bit of overwhelm on my Spiritual Ascension Journey (and my "mission for self and the Collective and Gaia" for this lifetime/line).... I have been drawn to participate in so many beautiful Expansion Paths especially in the last couple years, major ones have be with Davyd and Bella with Quantum Plant Healing Immersions and Rainbow Bridge Journey, as well as and Stellar Nations (which immediately resonated with me). I too highly recommend the readings for Mayan Galactic Signature with Bella and also readings with Leslie for interpretation of your Antares Codes (both natal and solar return) and Stellar Nation Connections for this lifetime. I will share more in a separate post regarding my own journey, but for now just want to say that one of my big take-aways from hearing your sharing (and others here too) is that I don't feel so overwhelmed by what I think I still need to LEARN (all that I don't know) and realizing that it is only a REMEMBERING what I already KNOW (which is everything, when I remember I AM EVERYTHING). Thank you again, Frances, for sharing what seems impossible to do for our human 3D minds... great opportunity for HEART HEARING and TRANSFORMATION!❣️

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