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A Navigation Guide to Quantum Consciousness

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As usual it begins with a migraine. I had had a good couple of weeks, where my head felt clear and spacious, like I was the hollow bone played by spirit and the energy would go through my body without any hindrance anywhere. I thought I had found the solution to my life long headaches, a cup of dandelion tea in the morning to clean the blood, nettle seed mixed in the müsli to build the blood and American skullcap to stave off any headaches that wanted to sneak up on me anyway.

But last Friday it was back again, and it was relentless. Frustrated and a little worried about the building pressure in my head, I had asked my spiritually gifted friend to check in what was up with my head (though, it was likely the same thing as always I added).

Later she sent me this message:

”So I’m teaching my kid to make grilled cheese prior to tapping in and kept hearing: ”pressure cooker, pressure cooker”. Like you’re acting as a vessel for the turmoil in the collective right now, the pressure is building inside and needs to be released. As soon as I connect I see a visual of a tea kettle, boiling and screaming, steam pouring out of the spout. I flip the lid and turn off the heat and it was like ahhhh immediate relief. I started working on your head and neck, doing whatever I felt guided to do, almost like a chiropractor. Once I was done with the hands on stuff I asked if there was anything else spirit wanted to show me, and I see your red bird self fly into view. You settle on a branch in a tree and look out over the land in front of you. I see that the tree is on a hill, and down there is a battle going on. The message was to stay in this bird’s eye view, up out of the fray. Don’t feel obligated to jump into the battle in any form, it may momentarily make you feel needed and useful, but you’ll be of much more help if you can stay above and out of it all. Remain in that higher perspective. Don’t feel pressured to participate. You will be who they look to when it’s time to piece things back together, and will have a clear picture of all sides if you can stay up high on your branch in the tree.”

Then she had pulled a card for me; where she’d received the card the mirror. It was the mayan glyph the white mirror.

I was a little intrigued, because according to my Mayan Oracle as a Blue Lunar Night, the White Mirror is my subconscious while the Blue Eagle is my higher power or higher self. I was also reminded about the affirmation for the Blue Lunar Night:

I polarise in order to dream

Stabilising intuition

I seal the input of abundance

with the lunar tone of challenge

I am guided by the power of vision

Those affirmations are usually hard to grasp when you hear them, they don’t seem to make sense, but every now and then a word jumps out at you. Like with ”polarise”, perhaps you think about the polarisation into masculine and feminine, of duality, of finding out who you are through who you’re not (in lakech) the mirror and its reflection; but I realised you could see it through an emotional, political perspective as well. Was it, I joked with my friend, my task to help transmute the issues of the world while maintaining the perspective of an eagle? Sheesh, no wonder I’d get a headache!

Perhaps, she said, but it’s important that it’s as effortless as possible. It’s your nature, it happens just by you being who you are. I’ll have to work on this being an effortless process then, I quipped.

The mirror showing up reminded me of something I had worked on during eclipse season. At the time, likely influenced by the full moon eclipse in Pisces and its 12th house energy and erasing of boundaries, I was thinking a lot about energetic hygiene, and one day during lunch I had walked into a New Age shop where I bought a black obsidian which I felt could perhaps be good for that. When I came home that day I read that obsidian was actually used by the Mayans as a mirror, as well as a knife (which is the other meaning of Etznab, the white mirror.)

Later the same evening, I had turned on the TV which happened to show a documentary called ”Bending Light”. It was about the ideas of Einstein and talked about the cooperation between several large observatories, gravitational wave observatories, LIGO in the US and Virgo in Italy.

These observatories conducts experiments with light designed to detect cosmic gravitational waves, which enables a deeper and more reliable depiction of space from what I understand (which admittedly… is not so much). This is done by laser interferometry, which apparently is cohesive light being split into two beams which are then reflected off of mirrors several kilometres apart. This next part is shamelessly stolen from Wikipedia:

”From the beam splitter the light travels through two orthogonal arms. By the use of partially reflecting mirrors, Fabry-Pérot cavities are created in both arms that increase the effective path length of laser in the arm from 4 kilometres to 1200 kilometres.”

Some furious googling later, I can report that an optical cavity is an arrangement of mirrors that confines light waves. Light confined in the cavity reflects multiple times, producing modes with certain frequencies. Optical waves can pass through the optical cavity only when they are in resonance with it.

”The reflected beams then recombine and an interference pattern is detected. When a gravitational wave passes through the interferometer, the spacetime in the local area is altered. Depending on the source of the wave and its polarisation, this results in an effective change in length of one or both of the cavities. The effective length change between the beams will cause the light currently in the cavity to become very slightly out of phase (antiphase) with the incoming light. The cavity will therefore periodically get very slightly out of coherence and the beams, which are tuned to destructively interfere at the detector, will have a very slight periodically varying detuning. This results in a measurable signal.”

Though the technical part (or what I understood of it) was interesting enough, the message for me, again, was how mirrors are being used in showing, revealing, sometimes distorting, truth on such a literally astronomical scale as well. The micro and the macro. As above, so below.

A couple of days later in my hieroglyph class we deciphered the stelae of Dedu and Satsobk, which had been found in a tomb in Thebes. Satsobk, the woman, is depicted holding a mirror and we learned that the mirror was a well-known symbol that was associated with worshiping Hathor. It doesn’t refer to vanity, as much as a feminine type of spirituality.

So it was interesting when the mirror came up yet again because of a migraine. And even more so when I realised it was during the wavespell of Etznab, the magnetic white mirror, which had started the week before.   

”Did you get a Mayan oracle deck?” I had asked my friend, and she’d said no, it’s my old one. It’s not generally Mayan-themed from what I understand, it’s called the Inner Compass Cards.

Then, along comes the week of the American presidential elections, and I know.

I know, I know.

You will have a thousand different opinions of this, a thousand different emotions and a thousand different reasons why. And it might be tender or it might not.

I heard a comedian saying:  ”This is a mirror for America. Take a good look at it.”

I am not American, I was one the many nervous and intrigued international spectators of this event. I say spectator, but mean that I woke up one day and learned that a choice was made.

And of course, I have my own view which, coloured by my cultural background, my country’s historical traditions in how to create policy and what, or who, to pay attention to.

But I see all these people (whether American or not, everyone is involved because everyone is affected) and their different view points floating by in my social media feeds. I see how they interact with each other in comment sections, I see the rhetoric, the generalisations, the emotional immaturity, the defensiveness, the common inability and lack of willingness in listening to the other as well as the lack of courage to face that what you’re doing or saying or choosing will affect other people and how. The lack of heart. And I’m not saying this to pick one side over the other, or to vilify Americans, because we see this tendency all over the world. We see this in our own countries, our own relations. We hear it from our friends and relatives. Sometimes it comes out of our own mouths. But it is a truth that in a community, everyone needs to be listened to and everyone needs to listen. And first and foremost, we all need to face ourselves because that is where our power lies. That’s where we make the most difference.

I have a favourite astrologer, Susan Grace of Be the evidence. For as long as I’ve followed her, she’s kept repeating the mantra ” We need to find ourselves to find each other. We are too far apart. Find yourself and you will find each other.”

Isn’t that what the white mirror is about?

”Etznab represents the Hall of Mirrors, where you can face your own reflection and see the truth about yourself. As a mirror, Etznab merely reflects what is, whether truth, beauty or illusion. Here, you can face unfinished business, the dissonance of difficulties, or charged issues that would keep you from the full expression of your divinity. In becoming fully aware of illusions or distortions within yourself, your clarity of perception can transform them. Use the world as a mirror for your discovery and teaching. Take the time to see you as you actually are, shadow and all, freed from the mace of mental illusion.[…]

The same also talks about breaking the pattern of duality, leaving the hall of mirrors and illusion, by taking a third perspective. A higher one, perhaps:

”Encoded within [the pattern of the star glyph The Mirror] is an aerial view of a three-dimensional Mayan pyramid, the ”interlock” of matter, the crack between worlds. […]

At anytime you can choose to sit fluidly poised between any two polarised positions, becoming a third point above the linear patterning of duality. In so doing, you create a triangle of light that expands duality into a more open system. With further expansion you can create a multidimensional ”pyramid” of light within you as you are poised in the crystal clarity of the eternal now. In this time of transformation, the pyramid of heaven is touching the pyramid of  Earth, and the crack between the worlds is widening.” The Mayan Oracle: A galactic language of light, p 247)

I also think it is telling that the wavespell of Etznab, the white magnetic mirror, begins with the mirror and ends with the cosmic white dog. The white dog is heart energy.

”One of the gifts of Oc (the white dog) is the calling in and recognising of other companions of destiny. Other beings, with the same longing are waiting to meet and acknowledge you - beings who see you as you authentically are. Be authentic. Be who you truly are in your magnificence and seeming differences. When you act authentically without compromise, you naturally court magic. When you have been truly seen, you feel empowered, and remembrances of a shared trust are ignited.” (The Mayan Oracle: A galactic language of light, p 198)

The cosmic tone of thirteen, is from what I understand the tone of transcendence, allowing for a frequency phase shift (like in the gravitational wave observatories perhaps). The number sacred to the goddess.

I looked through one of the books of my favourite author on Ancient Egyptian Cosmology, Gertie Englund’s ”Världen som spegel” (which literally translates to ”With the world as  a mirror”) to see if I could learn more about the mirror as a symbol for Hathor as I’d accidentally learned during eclipse season, but didn’t find any details on that. The very last page though reads;

”In the mirror of the world the two meets, the human and the divine. The mirror was called ankh in Egyptian, which also means life; and life is the meeting point of the human and the divine.”

Nov 25

You always have such wonderful synchronicities come alive along your journey! 💫. Thanks for sharing them!


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