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A Navigation Guide to Quantum Consciousness

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Hello Everyone :)

Just wanted to check in and share my joy I experience through finally understanding, rather feeling from very deep within the process we are going through and all the steps that we could//need to take to be our fullest potential of the Highest Realms:)

Some wavespells ago I had the intention to integrate the steps, at least listen to the Chapters day by day and take notes of the most important messages, create a sort of mind map I can re-visit from time to time, but back then I just could not go past chapter 2. :D 

Then  "accidentally" or rather by Divine Timing 😉 without me deliberately planning I started to watch chapter 4 on day 4 and then just kept on going and wow, this has been a journey with so much activation, downloads, consciousness expansions, multiple timeline clashes, just super-super powerful with HonE, the Chapters and the row of Galactic Activation Portal days. I am super excited and cannot wait to see how I finally start to become more and more of myself without limitations, without all the previous pain or lack mentality.

There is still a lot to do, although in a different direction now 😊 it's like coming from -1 to ground zero where I have the space to stretch out and spread my wings, --I am an Eagle after all 😊  and now I can express myself, go wherever I wanna go, do whatever I wanna do and just be free and enjoy the bliss of it. It is also very concise with healing of my 20+ years of lower back pain. My fascia was very tight and always pulled me back into a condensed version of myself despite constant yoga practice ( 1-3 hours a day for 13 yrs, almost each day) . It is just magical and liberating 😊 I love my life already 😊

And this all beautifully comes in line with understanding and healing my Stellar Nations wounds, especially  the wound of the  Sacred Feminine // Goddess. I have the Andromeda Galaxy in my chart which means that a huge part of my Soul was just inaccessible for me for a long time. When this Great Feline wound healed just recently (2024 is the year of the Great Felines and Dragons btw ) could I turn to my Female Serpent one, as they are connected and the previous is deeply rooted in this. I have Unukalhai as well as Rasalhague too in my chart. Both express and carry very strong healing codes, independent if it's self healing or others, I can just access it, although previously I always denied I am capable of doing it. Perhaps I kept denying it and was afraid to use my power for a reason? I also have the Electra wound woven in my past and I know that back then I put out a very powerful postulate to block my abilities so that no one can ever  manipulate me again. So I never was able to go beyond everyday consciousness, never 'lost' my mind, not even during a strong Aya ceremony, only like 10 %. So it's time to heal that, especially under the Serpent constellation :) And with this I may finally find my true passion, my Ikigai too? When I did the practice, this is what I ended up with.

Anyway, without wanting to go on forever, which obviously I could 😃 let's just say that I am super happy, hopeful, curious, excited and have utmost joy that my long missed feminine part has become more and more online through which I can receive more and more wisdom, insight, higher level understanding, perspective, so I am becoming more and more of my true self.

Blessings to you both for helping with these activations and teachings and laying out these steps we are free to take on New Earth 😊

Blessings to us all 😊

Davyd Farrell
Davyd Farrell
Dec 06, 2024

Beautiful sharing Aliz :-) So happy to read and learn all this


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